Tuesday, April 28, 2009

so fresh and so clean, clean

"You are only as far behind as you want to be." - U.S. Army General ...... or just, Dad

that quote is hand-written and hangs above my desk in my room. i try to remind myself that procrastination is a choice, so when i feel overwhelmed with all my work, it helps me discern how i chose to get to that point and how i can change it in the future.

it sometimes works.

but as finals approach, i've found that once again i've let myself get behind in many areas.

i think that's why i enjoy the beginning of a new semester so much. its a fresh start, a new slate. a sense of optimism always seems to ride in and lift my attitude when i get ready to take on the new challenge. i guess that's why as i get older, i've realized that i enjoy the morning time more and more. it marks the beginning to a new day. a new start and a fresh slate.

and so goes my walk.

God has given me a clean slate. i'm encouraged and reminded that he wants me. he wants my best and he wants it constantly. so when i get off track or fall behind, he's there to wake me up for a new day.


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